CDS provides unique channel management services and software applications designed to provide Mass Mailers (MM), most notably credit card companies, with the capability to expand, coordinate, and integrate demand by Third Party Marketers (3PM) for the inclusion of their inserts into MM mailings. The CDS approach to Mail Channel Management is a paradigm shift for the industry that simultaneously:
The ability to increase profits for both buyers and sellers in any market, and to do so at lower operating costs, is the tell-tale sign of market inefficiency and economic waste. CDS research has determined that the waste and inefficiency in the market for access to MM surplus weight to be both systemic and extensive. In response, we have developed a comprehensive business solution to eliminate the pervasive inefficiency in the market that:
In our view, a Mass Mailer need only do one thing to begin reaping the hidden profits in its Third Party Marketing operations:
• change its mind on the business process that manages its 3PM operations
CDS funds itself by securing a share of the demonstrable increase in incremental profits it earns for its client. It “costs” nothing to partner with CDS. The fundamental reality is that potential clients are incurring substantial but avoidable “costs” by not leveraging CDS channel management services.
Installation of our business solution is highly unobtrusive. As you may note from our “About” page, we have extensive experience in analytics and business systems design and integration. We are confident we can integrate our solutions into your existing processing systems with minimal disruption. We invite interested parties (Mass Mailers and Third Party Marketers) to schedule a consultation. We are confident we can demonstrate the root cause of Mail Channel inefficiency within 5 minutes and convince you of the effectiveness of the CDS solution with 15 to 20 minutes. Our pledge to you is that it will be time well spent and, as always, will be: